Volunteer Opportunities

Xtrav 2025


Volunteering to help with X-Travaganza is a fun and rewarding way to meet fellow parents, alumni and other St. Xavier supporters. Please read through the many opportunities and consider joining the X-traordinary volunteer community that is X-Travaganza!

Questions? Contact the X-Travaganza Office at 513.761.7815.

  • Joyce Bowman ext. 111
  • Amy Mueller ext. 144
  • Julie Goshorn ext. 113.

FLEXIBLE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES throughout the school year:
• Catalog Writing – Write descriptions of auction items for event and online auctions.
• Food – Provide snacks or drinks as needed for various X-Travaganza activities.
• Office Help – Volunteer in the X-Travaganza office: mailings, filing, computer entry, catalog photography, etc.


“Gifts” = anything that can be sold in the auctions, such as gift certificates (restaurants, services, stores); sports and concert tickets; baskets; electronics; artwork; sports memorabilia and housewares. X-Travaganza needs 1,500+ gifts each year to make the auctions successful!
• New Gifts: Solicit gifts from donors who did not give to St. Xavier last year. Contact businesses to reach new donors. Support materials provided in September. 
• Donor Renewal: Volunteers make follow-up phone calls to past donors of auction gifts. (Donors will already have received letters from X-Travaganza).
• Live Auction: Committee volunteers procure high value gifts for the X-Travaganza Live Auction.
• Gift Pick Up: Make pre-arranged pick-ups of donated auction gifts in your own area of town, then deliver the gifts to the X-Travaganza office.


GRAND RAFFLE January - March:
Grand Raffle raises funds specifically for tuition assistance. We mail letters to current parents and past raffle ticket buyers, then volunteers place follow up phone calls, send emails and help with office work.

HELP AT EVENTS September - March:
• Ladies Bunco – Assist with set-up and/or work at event, October 15, 2024
• Trivia Night – Help with event set-up, bartending or selling split the pot/raffle tickets, January 25, 2025.
• Golf Outing – Help with planning and at the event. May 19, 2025

X-Travaganza Week
• X-Travaganza Event Set Up – Set up decorations, shelving, etc. in the gym and lobby.  Wednesday, March 5 - Friday, March 7, 2025.
• X-Travaganza Silent Auction Set Up - Thursday, March 6 - Friday, March 7, 2025.
• X-Travaganza Event Night – Volunteer for a shift the night of X-Travaganza on March 8, 2025.
• X-Travaganza Event Clean Up – Tear down tables/chairs, collect decorations for storage and clean up gyms and lobby. Sunday morning, March 9, 2025.

Questions? Contact the X-Travaganza Office at 761-7815, ext. 111, 144 or 113.

platinum SPONSOr



Grand Raffle SPONSOR


Fast Park




harris logo


KMK Law logo


MA capital management


Midland Atlantic


Mike's Carwash Logo


UBS logo



Larry and Margie Kyte

Paper Products Company

Skyline Chili



silver SPONSOr

Dean Dorton



Frost Brown Todd LLP

Dina and Gary ′73 Gruber

Dr. Michael Kachmann and Michelle Kachmann

Shannon and Steve ′96 Kane

Stephanie and Justin ′95 Striet


Long blue line SPONSOR

Cassinelli, Shanker & Associates

The Dunn Family

Scarlet & Gray Facility Services, Inc.

Smiles 4 Kids Pediatric Dentistry