Click on the tabs below for more information!
Do you swim, bike or run? Consider becoming a TriBomber!!! St. Xavier is home to the 2019 USAT Independent High School National Champions, the 2019 Midwest Regional High School Champions, and the Ohio State High School Champions since 2017!
Students train individually and as a team beginning in March with certified coaches and volunteers to compete in triathlon and multi-sport races in the late spring, summer, and early fall. Students are welcome to join regardless of participation in other sports or activities. There are no required time commitments, attendance, try-outs, or costs. All are welcome. Visit the “Information” tab for more details.
First, visit the “Questionnaire” tab to access & complete the form.
Next, visit the “St. X Waiver” & “USAT Waiver” tabs to complete the two liability waivers.
Finally, email all 3 completed forms to
Any students, parents, alumni, or those in the triathlon community looking to get involved please contact
Please connect with us on Facebook (St. Xavier Triathlon,) Instagram (St.XavierTriathlon,) & Twitter (@StXTriathlon.)
Go TriBombers!!!
St. Xavier Triathlon Club Information
Twitter @StXTriathlon
Facebook: St. Xavier Triathlon
Instagram: St.XavierTriathlon
Go TriBombers!
With the Cincinnati climate, local triathlon races are held May – October. Thus, triathlon is essentially a “Summer Sport.” However, our focus races each year are the 1) USA Triathlon (USAT) Youth Nationals & 2) the Ohio HS State Championship. The St. X Triathlon Committee (the Committee) will provide training plans and coaching for the “season” running from March thru July, and race-day support thru Sept.
Triathlon is an individual sport and everyone is welcome to join the team in any capacity they wish to train for any race (tri, du, aquabike, aquathon) or distance (Super Sprint, Sprint, Olympic, 70.3, IM) they choose. There are no practice requirements. There are no race requirements. There are no roster “cuts.” Students participating in other school sports or activities concurrent with our season are still welcome. Training plans are provided 7 days a week. We aim to train as a team for coaching and camaraderie as often as possible, but self-training is necessary too.
USAT defines eligibility for high school racing as the summer after 8th grade graduation until “thru September” after graduation Senior year. Including the summer after graduation… K - 8th grade boys & girls may join the club roster and participate “alongside” the team, but usually not on school property.
Junior TriBombers
K - 8th grade boys & girls are welcome to join the club to train “alongside” the team. Contact us for details.
Roster Requirements
1) USAT Annual Membership = Free (paid by the team)
2) USAT Club Insurance Waiver
3) St. X Student Activities Waiver
4) RoadID (with emergency contact info. To be worn during training.)
Contact Info
Students and parents are asked to provide the Committee with emails, address, phone, etc. and will be added to the team communications when roster requirements are met.
Triathlon is an “equipment-heavy” sport. The Committee will provide extensive assistance & education in procuring used/donated equipment as well as guidance on new equipment purchases. For more info, click on the Gear Guide tab at the top of this webpage.
The USAT-standard distance for high school athletes is the “Sprint Distance” (Swim 750m, Bike 12.4 miles, Run 3.1 miles.) Some local races offer even shorter “super-sprint/mini” distances. Race registration fees are paid by the students for events they choose to race. Any travel costs too. No races are mandatory, but we aim to have strong participation at the USAT Ohio High School Championships & Junior Nationals.
The Committee aims to provide as many tri accessories as possible. As an example, in 2021 we provided: pedals/cleats, swim caps, race belts, lock laces, aero helmets, team spirit shirts, personalized transition backpacks, visors, water bottles, decals, wetsuits, heart rate monitors, and lots of free bike maintenance.
Students can purchase individual race-day jerseys (“trisuits”) each spring. The team owns extra trisuits which can also be borrowed on race days.
Bike Training & Triathlon Studio
Our cycling/training studio is located at the north of the stage in the Berning Gym. Students train and store their bikes and trainers in the studio during the school year. Bike training is scheduled on weekdays so the students do not have to transport their bikes back & forth to home, unless they want to.
During the week, run training is on the track or around the school.
Swim training is scheduled 2-3 times a week after school at the St. X pool (starting in ‘22.) On some occasions, we aim to practice open water swimming at local lakes (in warm water)
There are no costs to join the club at this time. Donations of time, equipment, & (of course) tax-deductible money to support the team are always welcome.
Interested students should complete the form below or this Questionnaire and email to
* Required
St. X Waiver
USAT Club Integro Waiver
Gear Guide
St. Xavier TriBombers – Beginners’ Gear Guide
For those new to this sport, you probably have many questions about what you need to do to get started, especially with gear. This guide is our summary of what you need to be ready this season. Click on this link Gear Guide Information
Please also search online or click “USAT Beginners’ Guide” for lots of great information.