Academic Clubs

Astronomy Club: The St. Xavier Astronomy Club will meet to view images, discuss current research and developments, and view some astronomical objects and events.

Contact: Mr. D'Alessandro

Expressions: Expressions is a publication of student fiction, poetry, essays, and artwork. A student editor selects the work to be published as a showcase of St. Xavier’s creative work.
Contact: Mr. Tim Reisert

Math Club: Math Cub meets on Tuesdays during flex. Bring a lunch. Contest problems are given each week in order to enrich a student’s problem solving skills. Top scores are used to represent St. Xavier High School in weekly contests. Regular participants are also placed on a peer team. Prizes are awarded for top individuals and top teams.
Contact: Mr. Dan Neugebauer

National Honor Society: The Marshall L. Lochbiler, S.J. Chapter of the National Honor Society is open to juniors and seniors who have a cumulative average of 90 or greater, and who demonstrate outstanding character, leadership, and service to the school and the community.
Contact: Mrs. Heather Miller

Quiz Team: Quiz Team meets after school on Tuesdays in Room 3524 and during Flex on Thursdays in Room 3512. The Quiz team is a member of the Greater Cincinnati Academic League and competes year-round in a variety of Quiz Bowl formats.
Contact: Mrs. Nora Denning

World Language Honor Society: The World Language Honor Society recognizes students for their outstanding academic achievement in their language study. Students who qualify with a 90% or better through the first quarter of level 3 of their language may be nominated by their teacher for induction.
Contact: Ms. Rachel Kohler

Young Writers’ Forum: Young Writers’ Forum meets every Friday at 11:30 in Room 2524 to provide constructive feedback on student creative writing of all types. Submit your work ahead of time, read the submissions for the week, and join us on Fridays for lively conversation with a community of talented writers.
Contact: Mrs. Elizabeth Heile