Theatre Xavier (TX)
2024 - 2025 Performances
You Can’t Take it With You
Nov 15-17 and 21-23
January 31
Spring Production
April 4-6 and 10-12
Theatre Xavier is an extracurricular organization which produces at least two plays per school year, usually a drama or comedy in the fall and a musical in the spring. Some years see a third play performed in January.
TX is organized per production, inviting new members to become involved. A core group of students exists, however, throughout their careers in high school. Females from area schools opt to participate in TX productions in all areas of activity, on stage and off stage. We are thankful for the commitment of many young women from Ursuline, Mercy McAuley, St. Ursula, Colerain, Sycamore, Lakota West, Oak Hills, Seton, Mount Notre Dame, School for the Creative and Performing Arts, Highlands and other area high schools. Students choose TX as their major extracurricular because of their love for theatre, the friendliness and openness of the community, and the crafting of ensemble skills.
Approximately 200 – 225 students participate per year, with 65% to 70% being male (depending on the number of shows and types of shows produced during the year).
Opportunities for gaining skill and knowledge in all areas of performing are foremost. Acting techniques are taught (by the director) in an active, hands on studio environment. Technical theatre – design, building, properties, lighting, and sound – is also mentored (by the technical director) and students spearhead work in these areas. Students head all of the technical and production areas during the preparation and run of productions. During performances, students manage the backstage, run the lights and sound, and operate as running crews. Additionally, student producers are instrumental in maintaining the solidarity of the program, artistically and practically (in ticketing and house managing, and advertising, for instance). Moreover, student directors work closely with the director in teaching technique, skill acquirement, and interpretation. Student technical crews are headed by experienced students who model and teach building skills, painting, crafting techniques in properties, and in artistic design (whether in building crew, lighting, or sound). Costuming trains students in sewing, design, patterning, building costumes, research, and interpretation. Similarly, makeup design is mentored and presented in studio situations so that students may create the needs for any show. Adult mentors and directors facilitate, model, and teach the students, so that productions develop in complimentary ways. Parent volunteers round us out in many supportive areas (mainly in feeding our cast and crews a hot meal during opening and closing weeks of the productions), assistance with sewing, parking during show nights, running concessions, helping with building, painting, and design. Collaborative effort is the signature of TX productions.
Beyond the learning and teaching, Theatre Xavier exists as a community within the greater St. Xavier High School community. We ascribe fully to our greater community’s standards of excellence in pursuit of knowledge, character development and spiritual growth, and giving to others.
TX Circle Newsletter Archive
Theater Seat Naming Program
Click above to view the Fine Arts Endowment