Afterschool Service
Every week, hundreds of St. X students serve others around Cincinnati. Focused on building relationships and working alongside others. Afterschool Service volunteers help elementary school students, serve meals to those in need and assist people with developmental disabilities.
St. Xavier High School has a long-standing relationship with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Cincinnati. At the Clubs, St. X ‘big buddies’ meet with their little buddies each week to help with homework, complete physical fitness activities and just hang out.
Students signup for a year-long program in order for them to get to know the people they’re serving and learn more about our city.
Afterschool Service falls into St. Ignatius Loyola’s Jesuit teaching of experience, reflection and action. The St. Xavier Graduate at Graduation who participates in Afterschool Service has the opportunity to be open to growth, loving and committed to doing justice.
The first Afterschool Service activity was organized in 1965 by Peter Cassidy and then enhanced by Paul Lammermeier in 1974.