Faith Sharing

Throughout a student's four years at St. Xavier he is challenged to grow spiritually. Characteristics of this growth include: finding God in all things, listening with a discerning heart, striving for the Magis, becoming a Man for Others, and living for the Greater Glory of God. In addition to the prayer and retreat opportunities at the school, Campus Ministry strives to nurture this growth in other ways, including:

Kairos 4th Day Flex Groups

Building on the graces gifted those on the Kairos retreat, students are invited to continue their journey with God by joining lunchtime prayer groups. These 4th day flex groups seek to create a “habit” of prayer in the life of the student in addition to giving them an ongoing forum to grow more deeply in their faith lives.


In concert with the moderators of the AMDG club, Campus Ministry provides a place where students of all grade levels can gather on a weekly basis to pray and deepen their faith in companionship with others. The "Greater Honor and Glory of God" (AMDG) is the aim; the club carries out its mission through observance of Eucharistic Adoration, bible study, spiritual reflection, and other expressions of the faith.

Companions on a Journey

The Campus Ministry Director collaborates closely with the Counseling Department in the leading and facilitation of the grief support group for students, Companions on a Journey. This support group is quite effective in assisting students as they cope with all kinds of loss, particularly the death of a loved one.

Pastoral Counseling

As students grow and struggle with their faith, their relationships with God, the church, and other issues of concern, Campus Ministry team members are available to talk through these times of change and growth. One team member devotes most of his time to this area. Students may drop in, be invited, or be referred by parents or teachers to the Campus Ministry team.

Peer Ministry

Students are prepared to lead other students on each of the Kairos retreats. In addition, thirty seniors are trained and prepared to help lead the freshman on the five frosh retreat days. Some sophomore retreats implement senior leaders as well. In many ways, students take the lead: retreats, school liturgies, including presiding and giving reflections during reconciliation services, and faith sharing groups. Students also lead the entire school in doing the Ignatian Examen. These experiences provide positive peer role models for younger students as well as allow the students time to share with one another in areas of faith, self-image and growth in relationships.