seal of biliteracy

2024 Recipients

2024 Biliteracy


An Ohio Seal of Biliteracy recognizes graduating seniors who can demonstrate high levels of proficiency in English and at least one other language. St. Xavier High School gives this award by following state-established guidelines.

Biliteracy is the ability to communicate in two languages with a high level of proficiency. Specifically, a biliterate student will have the ability to read and write proficiently in two languages in addition to being able to comprehend and speak those languages proficiently.

A Seal of Biliteracy is a statement that is added to a student's transcript at the time of graduation that reads, "is awarded the Ohio Seal of Biliteracy for demonstrating high levels of proficiency in English and ...”

Program Eligibility

To be eligible for a Seal of Biliteracy assessment, a student must be within 15 months of graduation.

Program Requirements - English

To earn a Seal of Biliteracy, a student must first demonstrate proficiency in English in one of 4 ways:

***St. X will use ACT and SAT scores to determine proficiency in English (see #2 below)***

  1. Earned a proficient level or higher on Ohio’s required state tests for high school English language arts I and II (Ohio public schools only); or
  2. Earned a remediation-free score on the English and reading sections of the ACT (English subscore of 18 and Reading subscore of 22  or SAT (Evidence-based Reading & Writing 480); or
  3. Earned a proficient level or higher on an Ohio Department of Education-approved alternative assessment (TerraNova or Iowa Test)
  4. Earned a score of proficient or higher on the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA).

Program Requirements - Another Language

A student must also demonstrate proficiency in another language by meeting 1 of 6 of the ODE-established criteria below. St. Xavier High School uses AP scores (for Chinese, French, German, Latin and Spanish) and the AVANT Stamp 4S test for these languages. Latin will be assessed with the ALIRA test. The Stamp 4S and ALIRA tests are approximately $20 each.

  1. Passed an Advanced Placement (AP) foreign language examination with a score of 4 or higher; or
  2. Passed an International Baccalaureate (IB) foreign language examination with a score of 5 or higher on the Higher Level exam or a score of 6 or higher on the Standard Level exam; or
  3. Attained a score of Intermediate High or higher in comprehension, speaking, reading and writing the foreign language based on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines found at using assessments approved by the Ohio Department of Education; or
  4. Qualified for proficiency-based credits through Ohio’s credit flexibility program and attained a score of Intermediate High or higher in comprehension, speaking, reading and writing based on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines using assessments approved by the Ohio Department of Education; or
  5. Attained a score equivalent to Intermediate High or higher on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines in interpersonal signing, presentational signing and demonstrating understanding of American Sign Language on an American Sign Language assessment approved by the Ohio Department of Education; or
  6. Attained a score equivalent to Intermediate High or higher on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines in interpretive reading and presentational writing on a classical language assessment approved by the Ohio Department of Education.



Registration is open for Juniors and Seniors.

Dr. Kendall will collect testing fees in January, 2025.

Testing Days: March 6 & 7, 2025 (during the student's world language class and free bell on these X&Y days).

Stay tuned for more details!

Registration For Juniors and Seniors

Click here to register 

This completed form is due by November 30, 2024!

More Information