Employment Opportunities
The school’s policy regarding background checks for teaching and nonteaching employees and for volunteers who have direct contact with students:
B. Screening Employees and Regular Volunteers Persons who serve our students as employees or regular volunteers are among the School's most valuable assets. They contribute so much to the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical wellbeing of young persons. Administrators must take due precautions in order to assure that only those persons who are psychologically and temperamentally suited are chosen to work with students.
B.1 Each applicant for employment in a position with regular, significant contact with students must supply to the hiring agent personal information adequate to assess his or her suitability for contact with students. Each applicant must complete and sign the official Applicant's Certification (cf. Attachment 3). Each applicant must supply the names of three references, at least one from the most recent employer and none from close friends or relatives.
B.2 Hiring agents are to speak with references provided by applicants for employment and to examine and verify the employment history. The hiring agent will secure a check of criminal records through the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation.
B.3 The School will establish procedures for gathering the information and completing the reference checks mentioned above. All of this information is to be retained in a confidential file at the location of employment until five years after employment ends, at which time all application documents are to be destroyed.
B.4 Those persons who recruit volunteers to work regularly with students should exercise caution in selecting volunteers. If there is any cause for concern in a particular case, the matter should be brought to the attention of the responsible supervisor for further review. A background check of criminal records through the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation will be secured for all volunteers who work regularly with students. A "regular volunteer" means anyone other than an employee who functions in a regular significant relationship with students. This includes coaches, tutors, interns, student teachers, and others in a similar capacity. It also means any volunteer who works with students more than three hours a month or who works with students more frequently than once a month. It does not include the occasional volunteer such as a driver or chaperone for individual activities as well as those volunteers who work no more than once a month and for fewer than three hours a month.